Three Tried and Tested Tips for Staying Cool This Summer

Young woman relaxing under the air fan at home

Summer is quickly approaching and you’re going to need every tool in your toolbox to fight against the heatwaves that are on their way. Sure, you could just cross your fingers, ignore the problem at hand, and jump right into summer. However, we’ve noticed a trend that the less attention homeowners pay toward their air conditioners, the more miserable they tend to be when temperatures skyrocket.

The more proactive you are toward the health and condition of your air conditioner now, the better off you’ll be!

So, let’s talk about some proven tips that can help keep you cool. And yes, if you desperately need AC repair in Phoenix, then our team can provide it. But air conditioning repairs aren’t the only thing you should be concerned about. It’s time to pay close attention, run your ceiling fans, and change the AC air filters so that you’re well-prepared for the season ahead!

Tip #1: Use Your Ceiling Fan

Homeowners sometimes get a little energy-reluctant when the hot temperatures strike in the middle of the summer. They think they need to decide between running the air conditioner and running the ceiling fan. But what this ends up doing is leaving a home that’s both uncomfortable and energy inefficient!

Your ceiling fan only uses a fraction of energy to run for a few hours compared to the AC. The reason why it’s so helpful to run the fan while the air conditioner is also on is because it helps circulate the cooled air that your AC creates. Also, when humidity levels start to rise as well (as they always do in the summer), a ceiling fan will help your body evaporate water, making it feel less humid and thus less hot in your home.

These two systems together can be powerful allies when used correctly!

Tip #2: Change the System’s Air Filter

Your air conditioner’s filter isn’t just meant to keep dust and contaminants out of the air for your personal health. It’s meant to keep dust and contaminants from interfering with the cooling process and causing the air conditioner to run inefficiently or break down. This is why the air filter needs to be attended to quite often.

We know we often say that you should change your air filter every 1 to 3 months, but that depends on how heavily you use the air conditioner. If you’re running it every single day through a record-breaking summer, then you’ll need to replace your air filter monthly.

Tip #3: Invest in Professional Maintenance and Repairs

Air conditioning maintenance and repairs are two completely different services, but they’re both necessary for the longevity of your AC system.

Air conditioning maintenance should be scheduled before the cooling season, usually in the spring, so our professionals can make adjustments and quick fixes that will put it in peak condition for the hot months ahead.

Air conditioning repairs should be arranged for when you notice something wrong with your air conditioner. This can be anything from a weird noise to a foul odor.

The professionals at Thomas Home Services can help you with both AC maintenance and AC repairs! Call the World’s Friendliest Technicians!



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