Time to See What Condition My Conditioner Is In!

air conditioning outside system

Replacing an AC is no simple task. It requires a complete removal of the old system and the installation of a brand-new system. We don’t want to talk about it as if we’re selling a service to you, but we want to highlight some of the best reasons why you might want to think about a replacement.

For starters, air conditioning repair in Phoenix, AZ can only do so much. Once an AC system reaches a certain age, or when it gets run down to a certain level, it’s not going to be able to produce the cooling it once did. Components fall apart, the compressor loses efficiency, and you might find yourself at a crossroads.

When you do, we want to remind you that AC replacement is an option. Keep reading as we go into detail about why and when air conditioning replacement services might be a more cost-effective, long-term solution to your problem.

Why Choose a Replacement?

Air conditioners don’t last forever. Here are a few reasons why you might want to start looking into replacing your aging system.

  • It’s getting old. Air conditioners only last at maximum between 10–15 years. Any system within this range or beyond should be replaced. At this point, an air conditinoner will see dramatic increase in problems and a decrease in performance.
  • It’s not cooling your home efficiently anymore. Efficiency is incredibly important. If your air conditioner is causing your bills to steadily increase year after year, the problem will only get worse. A replacement is one solution that can get at the heart of the issue.
  • It requires repairs too frequently. Frequent repairs can be obnoxious and expensive. When you replace your system, you’re setting yourself up for years of success with no repairs needed.
  • The compressor has failed. The compressor is the most important component of your air conditioner. It’s also the most expensive component to replace. Think about replacing your whole system if you’re looking for a long-term solution.
  • It’s having trouble meeting your cooling demands. If your air conditioner is not keeping you cool, then it’s not doing it’s job properly. A replacement can solve this problem.

Don’t Skip Out on Repairs

Just because you think replacement is a good option doesn’t mean it’s the best option for every situation. If your air conditioner doesn’t check off any of the above-mentioned points then you might just need repairs. Our team can provide them, as well as an evaluation to assess the condition of your air conditioner.

Call Us for a Comfort Consultation

The decision doesn’t have to rest entirely on your shoulders. If you’re curious, you can ask us about whether or not your system is ready for replacement or if we think it will last another few years providing good, quality comfort. We promise that we’ll always be honest with you and we’ll point you in the direction that provides you with the most comfort, as well as the right savings for your budget. We know that not every homeowner is in the position to buy a replacement, so we’ll work with you to find the perfect solution for your home!

It’s time to call the World’s Friendliest Technicians at Thomas Home Services for quality AC work.



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