HVAC, Plumbing, Appliances, & Home Warranties

What’s Going on With My Water Pressure?

a woman and her daughter washing their hands on the faucet

This is one of those topics we get called about all the time. Water pressure can be the first sign that something is wrong with your plumbing system, and it’s usually the first sign to get noticed by homeowners as well. That’s because you use your water appliances several times every day, and if it’s taking longer for you to get the proper amount of water, or your appliances aren’t working correctly, you’ll notice it right away.

The problem is that when it comes to plumbing in Chandler, AZ, water pressure problems can be caused by many different issues. Water pressure is both a problem and the symptom of other problems, so it’s important to approach this from a smart angle.

First, make sure you call us to target the problem and fix it. Second, read on to learn more about why water pressure problems develop over time.

Why Is Water Pressure a Problem?

This might come as a surprise to you, but water pressure is a necessary aspect of living comfortably. Every state and local government has a code to regulate water pressure. That’s because a great decrease in water pressure can make certain homes unlivable and can seriously harm quality of life.

Without proper water pressure, you might not be able to wash dishes, cook, bathe, or even wash your clothes without taking a considerable amount of time. This means that a decrease in water pressure is a serious problem that should be looked at.

What Causes Water Pressure Decreases?

Water pressure decreases are a problem themselves, but it’s also important to note that they’re usually caused by some underlying issue. Water pressure doesn’t naturally decrease over time. It usually happens when something affects your water system and causes incoming water to lose pressure along the way. Here are a few examples of what can cause this issue.

Leaks and Tree Infiltration

Leaks are some of the simplest reasons for losing water pressure. If your main water line is leaking, it’s going to automatically decrease the water pressure of your plumbing system. Think about it: if you’ve got a pressurized water system and there’s a hole in it, much of the high-pressure water is going to escape through that hole and the remaining low-pressure water will be the only water left for use.

Also, trees can infiltrate your main water line and cause issues with water pressure as well. This can be a health concern as well as a water pressure concern, so make sure you have this quickly resolved.

Sediment Buildup

If you deal with a lot of hard water, then you might be inundated with sediment buildup in your pipes and water heater. This will ultimately curb the water pressure of your home and cause problems in your whole plumbing system.

Water Heater Problems

A good portion of water that your home uses comes from a water heater. If your water heater starts building up sediment or leaking, it’s going to affect your water pressure. Be sure to check around your water heater when you call for a professional plumber to ensure that the problem isn’t located in your water heater instead of in your other pipes.

Call Thomas Home Services for help with your water pressure problems. Call the World’s Friendliest Technicians!



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